The school has an energetic and committed Parent Community Group who could always use support - many hands make light work.
The Parent Community Group meet on a Tuesday evening during week 3 and week 7 of each Term to plan fundraising events and to discuss relevant issues.
Our home-school relationships are grounded in mutual respect, care, and concern for the growth and development of every child at the school.
There are many opportunities for families to engage in their child’s school life. These could be opportunites to visit your child's classroom and be involved in their learning, membership of the Parent Assembly, organising events with class parents, volunteering to help in the canteen and classrooms.
Each year the school offers a parent engagement program based upon an identified Key Learning Area of interest or need. In 2019 the program was Mathematics. In 2021 there were family workshops on writing. The engagement program entails an interactive and non-threatening workshop where parents work with their own child. As each program is delivered, families become more familiar with the way the school teaches each subject and more confident in engaging with their child’s learning.
The school offers an interview at the completion of terms two and four after the receipt of their child’s report cards. In addition to this, families are encouraged to take advantage of interviews held in weeks four and five of term one to discuss their child’s needs, interests, areas for growth and areas of strength.
Teachers provide families with their school email address to enable consistent communication and are available upon appointment to meet either before or after school and in some cases during the school day.