Term 4 Week 4, 2022
From our Leadership
Dear St Joseph's Community,
During November it is a Catholic tradition to remember through prayer all those who have died. The beginning of November are special days in the Church calendar known as Feast Days - All Saints and All Souls. Below is our traditional prayer for the dead.
March of Youth How wonderful it was to see our school students march in the March of Youth with a student made banner and school band. I was so proud of everyone in attendance.
2023 News Over the last few weeks we have been interviewing teachers for our 2023 classrooms. Despite the teacher shortage we have had high quality applicants. Therefore I can share with you our plans for classes in 2023.
Kindergarten Carly Delevante [Cormick]
Stage 1 Michelle Vidler/Aliesha Hayward-Bryant
Stage 2 Carissa Pursey [5 days]/Larissa Deleiuen [3 days] /Anne Forwell [2 days]
Stage 3 Nicole Wittman [5 days]/Caitlin Crispin [2 days]/Larissa Davey [3 days]
K,1,2 release face to face Donna Bancroft [2 days per week]
Stage 2 & 3 release face to face Louise Tarrant [2 days per week]
Teacher Assistants: Maree Hickson, Sharron Nay, Diana Westgate, Elizabeth Hegedus, Nerilly Thomas, Jayden Laurie and Sandra Nelson.
Principal Danny Rankin
Assistant Principal Anne Forwell
Leader of Learning Brooke Donoghue
Office Manager Cheryl Mawhirt
Counsellor Catherine Callopy
We farewell Emma Davis to Kyogle for 12 months. Therese Kay-Lewis will return as a casual teacher. Anna Smidt is taking 12 months leave. Joe Stewart and Rebekah Kelly will return towards the end of our 2023 school year.
Moving Classrooms A new roof is being constructed on C Block therefore Stage 2 and 3 have moved to the hall and library respectively. This also means the canteen will be closed until further notice.
Assemblies Due to Stage 2 temporarily using the hall as their classroom, assembly will be held under the COLA for the next few weeks while the new roof is installed. These assemblies will be shortened to include prayer, birthdays and awards only. Of course families are still welcome to attend. Assembly begins as usual at 2:10pm.
Remembrance Day On Friday, 11 November our School Captains, Noah and Thomas, will take part in the Remembrance Day Ceremony in South Grafton. The rest of the school will mark this special day with a service at school in the Mercy Hall. Lest we forget!
Jacaranda Float Procession
We thank those students who are attending this event to represent our school. Students assemble at Jacaranda Park at the northern end of Prince Street and are to be collected immediately after the float procession from Jacaranda Park. Students will need their school hat and a bottle of water.
Date: Saturday, 5 November
Time: 4:30pm for a 5:00pm start
Uniform: Sport Uniform
Year 5 Speeches Year 5 students who wish to be considered for school Captain in 2023 will make their speeches to the school community on Thursday, 10 November 9:15 am in the School Mercy Hall. All families are invited to attend and support our Year 5 students.
School Uniform The warm weather is upon us so please help to ensure your child is:
- Wearing correct winter uniform
- Has their school hat daily
- Hair tied back [nits are rife during summer]
- Applies sunscreen
Dates to Remember End of Year Thanksgiving Mass Our End of Year Mass will be held on Friday, 2 December 9:30am at St Patrick’s Church South Grafton. All families are invited to celebrate the end of another wonderful school year and give thanks to God for each other.
Awards and Nativity Save the date as this year we will celebrate with a combined Nativity, Carols and Awards night on Thursday, 8 December from 6:00pm. More details of this special night will be provided over the next few weeks.
Principal-Danny Rankin
Assistant Principal-Anne Forwell
Colour Fun Run
We would like to thank the generous parents and members of our school community who supported our Colour Fun Run. They provided a delicious lunch order menu for students, helped set up equipment for a great obstacle course, whipped up loads of enthusiasm and made sure everyone became wildly colourful. We can't thank you enough!
The huge grins on the children's faces said it all - they had a ball!
Thank you to all students and families who participated in fundraising. Congratulations to the following Students who were the highest fundraisers:
Overall Highest: Charlotte , Emilia and Aleah
Kindergarten: Oceanna
Year 1: Aria
Year 2: Lochlann
Year 3: Kevin
Year 4: William
Year 5: Darcy
Year 6: Kyle
A special thank you to our sponsors for your generous donations, our day would not have been as successful without you. Please support those who support us if you get the opportunity, most of our sponsors are local businesses within our school community.
K-2 Instructional Leader -Brooke Donoghue
K-6 Learning Intentions and Success Criteria
Kindergarten English- Phonics
Learning Intention: We are learning to know and recognise two letters that can work together to make one sound to be able to read and write.
Success Criteria: I can;
- identify the most common sound that single letters make
- identify the sound that two letters together can make
- name words that have a selected sound and determine whether it is at the beginning, middle or end of the word
- blend sounds together to form a word
- break words up into sounds to write words
- break words into syllables to help read and write them
Term 4 Sounds: This term, Kinder are revising vowel sounds from Term 3 and learning to read and write these sounds with accuracy.
Learning intention: We are learning to compose texts that persuade the reader of our point of view.
Success Criteria: I can;
- start each sentence with a capital letter and finish with a full stop
- say and write my sentence in the correct order
- organise my writing into sentences
- correctly spell known words
- write the sounds that I hear in unknown words
- write sentences to express my own point of view and give reasons
- use descriptive words to persuade the reader of my own point of view
Kindergarten Maths
Week 4 & 5 - Whole number
Learning intention: We are learning to compare, order and make amounts using numbers.
Success criteria: I can;
- count forwards to a given number
- count backwards from 20
- count a collection by counting by ones
- count a collection by skip counting
- investigate where a number belongs on a number line
- place number in order from smallest to largest
Stage 1 English- Phonics
Learning Intention: We are learning the graphemes that represent phonemes to help us read and spell words.
Success Criteria: I can;
- match and write the graphemes that represent some phonemes
Sounds Focus: Please see ‘Seesaw’ communication from class teacher for personalised sound focus.
Stage 1 English- Writing
Week 4-5
Learning intention: We are learning to persuade our peers by sharing our points of view.
Success Criteria: I can;
- plan my writing by writing dot points
- write my opinion about why or why not we should visit the Peach Farm
- use my dot points to create full sentences to state an opinion and support giving a reason
Stage 1 Reading/Comprehension:
Learning Intention: We are learning to use the six elements of reading to assist in becoming a fluent reader.
Success Criteria: I can;
- think-pair-share and predict what the text is about and what type of text it is
- read fluently
- use my knowledge of sounds to decode words
- record the sound focus on my graphic organiser
- record focus words on my graphic organiser
- answer questions based on the book
Stage 1 Maths
Week 4: Three dimensional space
Learning Intention: We are learning to recognise and classify three-dimensional objects using features.
Success Criteria: I can;
- visualise three-dimensional shapes
- choose a three-dimensional shape to fit in an opening
- listen to clues of a three-dimensional shape to identify which shape it is
- use the terms ‘‘surface’, ‘flat surface’, ‘curved surface’, ‘face’ and ‘vertex’.
- identify everyday objects that are three-dimensional
Week 5: Addition and subtraction
Learning Intention: We are learning to represent and solve addition and subtraction problems by using different strategies.
Success Criteria: I can;
- use the equals signs to record number sentences that have the same answer
- use the count on strategy
- use the bridging to ten strategy
- use the jump strategy
Stage 2 English
Learning Intention: We are learning to create our own stories with messages.
Success Criteria: I can;
- list many reasons why stories are told
- identify the messages from stories
- create our own stories with a message for the reader
- use descriptive words
Stage 2 Mathematics
Learning Intention: We are learning to compare objects using familiar units of volume and use scaled instruments to measure and compare their capacities.
Success Criteria: I can;
- recognise the advantages of a cube as a unit to measure volume
- construct three-dimensional objects using cubic cm blocks to determine the volumes of objects
- record volumes using the abbreviation for cubic centimetres (cm3)
- compare volumes by counting cubic cm blocks
- understand the difference between mass and volume
- estimate and compare volumes using millilitres and check my understanding
Stage 3 English
Learning Intention: Students will use comprehension strategies to understand information and ideas so that they can evaluate the intended message.
Success Criteria: I can;
- summarise the key words and ideas
- identify, answer and construct a literal question
- identify, answer and construct an inferential question
- identify, answer and construct an evaluative question
- identify, answer and construct a reorganisational question
Learning Intention: We are revising how to structure a persuasive text.
Success Criteria: I can;
- write a Statement of Position
- write 2+ arguments to support my position in paragraphs
- restate my position as a conclusion
Stage 3 Mathematics
Learning intention: We are learning to convert between common metric units of mass.
Success criteria: I can;
- convert between kilograms and grams
- convert between kilograms and tonnes
- decide whether to use multiplication or division to convert between units
- solve problems involving mass
- relate the mass of one litre of water to one kilogram
Sport Coordinator - Emma Davis
K-2 Intensive Swimming
Kindergarten and Stage 1 have enjoyed their first sessions of intensive swimming at the South Grafton Pool, these sessions will continue until Week 9.
Dates of remaining sessions:
Wednesday, 9 November (Week 5)
Wednesday, 16 November (Week 6)
Wednesday, 23 November (Week 7)
Wednesday, 30 November (Week 8)
Wednesday, 7 December (Week 9)
School Notes
School Calendar
Week 4
Saturday, 5 November 5.00pm - Jacaranda Float Procession
Week 5
Monday, 7 November 2.15pm - School Assembly in Mercy Hall
Tuesday, 8 November - Transition to Kindergarten Class
Wednesday, 9 November 9.00am - Infants Swimming
Friday, 11 November - Remembrance Day
Week 6
Monday, 14 November 2.15pm - School Assembly in Mercy Hall
Tuesday, 15 November - Transition to Kindergarten Class
Wednesday, 16 November 9.00am - Infants Swimming
Week 7
Monday, 21 November 2.15pm - School Assembly in Mercy Hall
Tuesday, 22 November - Transition to Kindergarten Class
Tuesday, 22 November - Parent Forum 6.00pm
Wednesday, 23 November 9.00am - Infants Swimming
Week 8
Monday, 28 November 2.15pm - School Assembly in Mercy Hall
Tuesday, 29 November - Transition to Kindergarten Class
Wednesday, 30 November 9.00am - Infants Swimming
Week 9
Monday, 5 December 2.15pm - School Assembly in Mercy Hall
Wednesday, 7 December 9.00am - Infants Swimming
Thursday, 8 December 6.00pm - Nativity, Carols and Awards Evening
Friday, 9 December - Semester 2 Reports available
Week 10
Monday, 12 December 2.15pm - School Assembly in Mercy Hall
Friday, 16 December - Final day for students
Merit Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received a Merit Award.
Kindergarten: Emilia, Izac
Stage 1: Joy
Stage 2: Isla, Charlotte, Xavier
Stage 3: Izac
Kindergarten: Oceanna
Stage 1: Ethan, Baden
Stage 2: Bonnie, Charlotte
Stage 3: Keaira
Uniform Shop
The uniform shop is located in the BrewHouse Village.
Opening hours:
Monday - Wednesday 10.00am to 4.30pm
Thursday 10 to 3.30pm
Email: fytexptyltd@bigpond.com
Ph: 0434 025 493
Volunteers are always welcome, please leave your details with our School Office.
When placing canteen orders please provide a paper bag for your child with their order clearly written on the front. It is also essential that each child has their own bag please - we ask that siblings do not have their orders all placed on the same bag. We appreciated your cooperation as this allows our volunteers to smoothly prepare lunches.