Term 2 Week 6 2022
From our Leadership
Dear St Joseph's Community,
How lovely it has been to commence Kindergarten 2023 interviews. We have new families joining our community in 2023 as well as those entrusting us with another child. Word of mouth is so important so please spread the word about our wonderful school. If you own a business or work in one and are happy to display an enroling now poster please inform the School Office so this can be sent to you.
God of all, Bless and strengthen those who work throughout the world
to bring relief to the oppressed, the hungry, those without hope.
Give them courage. Keep them safe.
Fee Support - Floods Those families affected by floods and who fulfil a certain critieria may be eligible for fee relief. Please see the School Notes section of this newsletter for further information.
NCCD - What is this? Each year our school takes part in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). At the moment our school and classroom teachers are currently moderating and collaboratively working together to clarify what adjustments are being provided for our students. The NCCD is a collection that counts:
- the number of school students receiving an adjustment or ‘help’ due to disability
- the level of adjustment they are receiving to access education on the same basis as other students.
Students are counted in the NCCD if they receive ongoing adjustments at school due to disability. This ‘help’ allows them to access education on the same basis as a child without disability. The NCCD uses the definition of disability in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. In early August this information is provided to both the Catholic Schools Office and Catholic Schools NSW. Please see the School Notes section of this newsletter for the flyer, which explains this process in more detail.
NAPLAN NAPLAN is now complete and the children of Years 3 and 5 worked hard last week to make sure they completed the tasks without too much anxiety. These test results are a one day snapshot of where the child is at and the data is used in conjunction with many other data sources to give a full picture of your child's learning.
National Reconciliation Week St Joseph's acknowledged National Reconciliation Week last Monday. It is a time for all Australians to learn about the shared histories, cultures, and achievements of Indigenous Australians, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. The theme of National Reconciliation Week this year is Be Brave - Make Change. During this significant week in our nation, we prayed for reconciliation, peace and harmony; May God's power and love be the foundations on which we build our families, our communities and our Nation, Amen.
Writing - Bump it up in Stage 3 Stage 3 having been reflecting on their own writing and making improvements. As the students strive to ‘bump it up’ they have been using a bump it up wall in their classroom. This wall allows students to compare their work to exemplars and then follow explicit next steps to boost their writing. What it takes to get to the next level is shown on the wall and often discussed in class.
Bump it up walls demonstrate to our students that their learning gets better with feedback and successive attempts, improvement is possible, work can always get better and that they should never settle for their first attempt.
Stage 3 has been learning to write similes to enhance their writing. When writing about a cycle Robbie used the simile…… The town was in pieces like a jigsaw puzzle. Great work Stage 3!
Waterwise Last week we had a visit from Waterwise NSW. It was a great experience that helped students learn how the water we use gets into our homes and simple ways to save water. Students participated in an activity to show them the importance of having water pipes and taps in good working order to prevent leaks and therefore wasting water.
Parent Forum In a previous newsletter mention was made of the Parent Forum. Parent Forum is the formal group where parent voice is gathered. So please come along this Tuesday, 7 June at 6:00pm in the library. Kids are welcome and those who would like a zoom link please let the School Office know by Monday.
Incitāre means to stir up, incite, urge, spur - when the Holy Spirit comes into our lives we are invited to spread the good news to all we encounter.
Incitāre is a one-day retreat experience for Year 6 students from Catholic Primary Schools based in regions of the Diocese to celebrate their faith. The retreat is a chance to bring students together to meet like-minded peers and to celebrate with other young people.
Our Year 6 students attended this experience which was held at McAuley Catholic College on Wednesday. They were joined by students from St Mary’s Grafton, St Joseph’s Maclean and St James Yamba.
They engaged in activities of large and small sharing groups as well as celebrating a liturgy together at the end of the day. A highlight of the day was how the experience allowed students to build relationships with other Year 6 students in the region and invited them to talk about and share their faith journey.
Stage 3 and Kindergarten Mass.
Next Wednesday, 8 June our students in Stage 3 will accompany the Kindergarten children as they attend Mass at St Patrick’s Church. Mass starts at 9:15am and all parents are most welcome to attend. After Mass, Fr Joe will answer all the questions from the children about their unit of work, the church and about the feast of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The children will also have the opportunity to be shown around the church and discuss the many symbols and sacred features that have helped form the traditions of the Catholic faith.
E-sports Competition
Last Wednesday, 8 students from Stage 3 competed in the first of three online e-sports competitions set for the year. They played MarioCart against teams from 11 other schools in the Diocese. The children had a fantastic time and were able to speak with the other contestants before and after the competition via zoom. I would like to thank and congratulate the Stage 3 students for the help they provided me to set up the Nintendo Switch and for the wonderful way they encouraged and supported each other during the try-outs and the tournament.
We have already started preparing for the next competition which will be ‘Just Dance’ to be held next term. Children have been practising during lunch time, this has also been a great way to spend their time staying active even despite the wet weather.
Year 3 Drum Band
How exciting it was to see our Year 3 students take up the drums and have their very first experience working with Graeme McLennan. The children thoroughly enjoyed this session. It was amazing how quickly they were able to learn this new skill and play some tunes. Well done girls and boys.
Acting Principal-Danny Rankin
Assistant Principal-Anne Forwell
Leader of Mission-Joe Stewart
K-2 Instructional Leader -Brooke Donoghue
100 Days of School
A reminder that the K-2 100 Days of School Celebration will be on Monday, 20 June from 6pm - 7:30pm.
The night will include a quick presentation from each class, some fun ‘100 themed’ activities and conclude with dinner.
We hope to see you there!
K-6 Learning Intentions and Success Criteria
Kindergarten English
Learning Intention: We are learning to listen to and write texts that share a story to entertain an audience.
Success Criteria: I can
- create my own stories to share
- write from left to right
- use spaces between words
- start each sentence with a capital letter and finish with a full stop
- write the sounds that I hear in words
- use tier 2 descriptive words in my writing
Kindergarten Maths
Week 6
Learning intention: We are learning to compare lengths to decide which is longer and shorter when measuring.
Success Criteria: I can
- compare lengths by placing objects side-by-side
- predict whether an object will be longer or shorter than another object
- compare lengths of objects by using objects
- record length comparisons by using drawings, words and numbers
Week 7
Learning intention: We are learning to subitise small collections of objects.
Success Criteria: I can
- recognise the number of objects or dots in a pattern of objects or dots instantly
- instantly recognise (subitise) different arrangements for the same number
- place amounts in order
- estimate the number of objects in a group and count to check
Stage 1 English
Learning Intention: We are learning to draw on a range of skills and strategies to read fluently.
Success Criteria: I can
- find nouns (proper and common) and verbs
- use the sound focus in my reading and writing (Week 6: j, g, ge, dge. Week 7: l, ll, p, pp)
- use high frequency focus words in my reading and writing
- find capital letters and sentence finishers in the text
- make meaning from tier 2 and tier 3 words
Learning Intention: We are learning to create an informative poster on an animal of choice to engage our peers.
Success Criteria: I can
- use the visual element - ‘z’ layout (week 6 and 7)
- draft my poster (week 6 and 7)
- edit my work to include tier 2 and tier 3 words (week 7 - 9)
- publish my work to share with the target audience (week 9 - 10)
Week 6 Stage 1 Maths
Learning Intention: We are learning to measure and compare areas using uniform informal units.
Success Criteria: I can
- compare, indirectly, the areas of two surfaces that cannot be moved or superimposed, eg by cutting paper to cover one surface and superimposing the paper over the second surface
- predict the larger of the areas of two surfaces of the same general shape and compare these areas by cutting and covering
Week 7
Learning Intention: We are learning to skip count by twos, fives and tens starting from zero and represent multiplication as repeated addition, groups and arrays.
Success Criteria: I can
- count by twos, fives and tens using rhythmic counting and skip counting from zero
- model and describe collections of objects as 'groups of'
- find the total number of objects using skip counting
- model multiplication as repeated addition, eg 3 groups of 4 is the same as 4 + 4 + 4
- recognise when items have been arranged into groups, eg 'I can see two groups of three pencils'
- use concrete materials to model multiplication as equal 'groups' and by forming an array of equal 'rows' or equal 'columns'
- model the commutative property of multiplication,eg '3 groups of 2 is the same as 2 groups of 3'
Stage 2 English
Learning Intention: Students can plan, compose and edit an information report so that they can explain to their classmates interesting facts and information about themselves.
Success Criteria: I can
- identify the parts of an information report - Topic Statement, Sub Headings with related information,
- choose a way to plan my text.
- write a topic statement.
- choose my sub headings and write related information.
- reread and edit my own work.
Stage 2 Mathematics
Learning Intention: We are learning to represent data in different graphs so that we can interpret and compare the data.
Success Criteria: I can
- create a vertical and horizontal column graph
- create picture graphs using 1:1 correspondence
- interpret and evaluate different graphs as a way to show data.
- create graphs using a scale to show the information eg 1 = 10
- use digital technology to record data and create a simple graph
Stage 3 English
Learning Intention: Students will use comprehension strategies to understand information and ideas so that they can evaluate the intended message.
Success Criteria (using a variety of texts): I can
- identify, answer and construct an evaluative question.
- identify, answer and construct a reorganisational question.
Learning Intention: We are learning to plan, draft and publish imaginative texts by choosing and experimenting with text structures and language features to entertain a specific audience.
Success Criteria: I can
- write an imaginative text to entertain a particular audience.
- use text structures and language features such as metaphors, similes, alliteration.... to make my writing more entertaining.
- structure my writing in paragraphs with an orientation, one or two problems and resolution.
- use correct punctuation in my writing.
Stage 3 Mathematics
Learning Intention: We are learning to compare and order fractions and represent them on a number line.
Library/Book Club Coordinator - Anna Smidt
Book Club Issue 4 is out! If you would like to order through the school, please have your orders returned by Friday, 17 June.
Remember you may also order online at https://mybookclubs.
A very big thank you to Bhreanna Merrett-Sonson who very kindly covered a number of books for our library. We still have many more that need covering before they can be added to the shelves and borrowed out.
If you are able to help with any covering, please contact the school office or email me at anna.smidt@lism.catholic.edu.
Sport Coordinator - Emma Davis
Lismore Diocesan Cross Country Carnival
Congratulations to Aleah and Callum who represented the school at the Lismore Diocesan Cross Country Carnival. They lead the day with the Acknowledgement of Country and Prayer. Well done.
Rescheduling of Athletics Carnival
Due to the continued extreme wet weather the decision has been made to reschedule the School Athletics Carnival to a date later in the year. This decision was made due to the continued closure of Barnier Park and the inability to mark the oval in preparation for the carnival. The new date for the carnival will be determined once we have more information on when council ovals will be reopened.
Due to the Athletics carnival being a pathway event to the Clarence Zone Athletics Carnival, we will be holding trials for interested students during week 8 using the school’s facilities. Students will be given information about this during Week 7 and a nomination form to complete if these wish to trial for the Zone Carnival. Only those students who wish to compete at the Clarence Zone Carnival are required to complete this form.
The Clarence Zone Athletics Carnival is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, 20 July in Coffs Harbour.
Gumbaynggirr Language - Liz Hegedus
Ginnagay Ngujawiny -Hello You Mob,
This week Australia is celebrating 'Reconciliatiion Week.'
National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our Indigenous shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. The theme for 2022 is 'Be Brave, Make Change.'
“Be Brave. Make Change.” is a challenge to individuals, families, communities, organisations and government—to Be Brave and tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation so we can Make Change for the benefit of all Australians.
The dates for National Reconciliation Week, remains the same each year; 27 May to 3 June. These dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey - the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision respectively.
Reconciliation Week is the result of the 1967 referendum where Australians voted to count Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in the National Census and also allow the Commonwealth Government to include Aboriginal Australians and Torres Strait Islanders when creating new laws.
Reconciliation must live in the hearts, minds and actions of all Australians as we move forward, creating a nation strengthened by respectful relationships between the wider Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Reconciliation is an ongoing journey that reminds us that while generations of Australians have fought hard for meaningful changes like these, future gains are likely to take just as much, if not more, effort.
Darrundang Ngiinda - Thankyou
Miss Liz Hegedus
IEW Indigenous Educational Worker
School Notes
COMPASS - School Fees
The preferred payment method for school fees is via BPay. Scheduled payments can also be set up using BPay, the Biller Code and your personal reference number can be found on your Fee Statement.
Paying through BPay ensures that your payment goes directly into your account. Any enquireies please contact the School Office.
Fee Relief - Fee support for families affected by flooding
We understand that some families have been financially impacted by the recent flood events. In recognition of this burden, the Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools Ltd Board has approved support to schools to provide full or partial relief [50%].
Full fee relief will be provided to families that received any Australian Government financial assistance payment relating to the 2022 floods, including either the:
- Disaster Recovery Payment [property damage]
- Disaster Recovery Allowance [Income]
Partial fee relief [50%] may be provided to other flood affected families at the Principal's discretion. Evidence will need to be produced of:
- Extent of damage to property
- Duration of loss of income
- Other flood related factors as appropriate.
If you would like to request the fee relief outlined above please supply the school with the relevant evidence such as Disaster Recovery payment and a brief letter outlining your request. Fees already paid can be reimbursed or carried forward for the 2023 school year.
Please contact the School Office or Principal, Danny Rankin if you have further enquiries.
Updating Your Personal Information
Reminder to please keep your personal information ie: phone numbers, address, email addresses and emergency contacts updated to ensure you are able to be contacted and to receive up to date correspondence.
Only full day absences are to be entered into Compass, for partial absences - arriving late or leaving early please phone the School Office to notify.
Change to afternoon travel arrangements may be emailed to the school if before 12.00pm sjpgraf@lism.catholic.edu.au After 12.00pm please phone the School Office with any changes.
Winter Uniform Please label all articles of winter uniform. Already we have some brand new jumpers in the lost property bin without a name.
Cool Kids - Anxiety program This is a program for kids living with anxiety. It is hugely successful and well researched. St Joseph's will run this program in Term 3. The information night for parents is being held at St Mary's Primary. The brochure with details is below.
School Events & Dates
Monday, 6 June at 2.15pm - School Assembly in Mercy Hall
Wednesday, 8 June at 9.15am - Kinder & Stage 3 Mass at St Patrick's church
Monday, 13 June - Public Holiday
Wednesday, 15 June at 5.30pm - Confirmation Parent Meeting
Monday, 20 June at 2.15pm - School Assembly, Kindergarten Presentation in Mercy Hall
Monday 20 June at 6.00pm - 100 Days of Learning K-2 Celebration
Monday, 27 June at 2.15pm - School Assembly in Mercy Hall
Wednesday, 29 June - Confirmation
Merit Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received a Merit Award.
Esther, Aprille
Stage 1
Lincoln, Vashti, Owen
Stage 2
Maddison, Alexander
Stage 3
Benjamin, Pippa, Tallon
Oceanna McNamara, Mason Hayes
Stage 1
Maddelyn Rogers, Reuben Riessen
Stage 2
Botshello Mefane, Aleah Jeffery
Stage 3
Darcy Smith, Lily Barrett
Uniform Shop
The uniform shop is located in the BrewHouse Village.
Opening hours:
Monday - Wednesday 10.00am to 4.30pm
Thursday 10 to 3.30pm
Email: fytexptyltd@bigpond.com
Ph: 0434 025 493
Volunteers are always welcome, please leave your details with our School Office.